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one-click photo filters!
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Desktop & Mobile
Designed to work with Adobe Lightroom Mobile, Classic, CC, & ACR.

Fully Customizable

Presets for Adobe Lightroom Mobile & Desktop
Create a rich, deep, and consistent theme for your images
Get a consistent, and eye-catching theme across your blog and Instagram feed. Create cohesive aesthetics that are perfect for travel, outdoor, portrait, or street photography.
Our Adobe Lightroom presets are created for beginners and professional use, User-Friendly, Easy to install and to use. While it takes one-click to get beautiful professional edits, they can be customized to fit different lighting conditions to suit your image.
They’re skillfully created for mobile and desktop use. We certainly pride ourselves on creating natural tools. They’re designed to balance the tones, add style, and evoke the mood of your photography.
You can use presets to edit photography taken on your smartphone by downloading the free Lightroom Mobile app from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). See Installation Guide.